
If you look at a
dictionary meaning
find a definition
more or less like this:

welfare contentment;
good result,
quality or state of who is happy.

But is that words are only able
to define happiness?
HAPPINESS I think is much more than a word, a feeling, is a state of mind,
Happiness is abstract and too complex to try to define it in mere words.
in major events, the majestic things, because all that go on the road of life trying to find it, but few succeed. Some aim-to try to buy it, but eventually it away, some to seek the other, but when they give account of himself perceive that the other could not give you happiness, others try to study it to find a way to find - la, but disappoint to find that there is no formula to happiness. However there are those who do not try to buy it or you want to study it, just try to live it regardless of everything and everyone and yes those are it. So do not waste your time trying to find the happiness in great things, it hides in small things, the small events of every day, felt just try it without worries ...

Arthur A. Melo.

2 Response to "Happiness"

  1. n falo ingles.

    Tens um bom domínio de inglês!!
    Só uma dica:
    Tente fazer frases menos longas. Períodos muito longos podem "truncar" o texto
